American Legion Riders
Chapter 311, Lancaster, Ca.
"Eat to Ride, Ride to Eat"
We are the American Legion Riders, Chapter 311. We are part of the The American Legion, Antelope Valley Post 311, in Lancaster, Ca. Membership is open to owners/operators of any freeway legal sized motorcycle who are also members of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of the American Legion. Monthly Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM
POW Dedication at Joshua Memorial Park
In memory our brother Fred Johnson (a.k.a. "DERF")
In loving memory our brother Lino Torres (RIP 9/14/2020)
ALR Chapter 311 VP
In Memory of Wayne Sirex who went home to be with the Lord on March 25, 2021.
Long time ALR Chapter 311 Chaplin, Friend, Brother, and all around good guy.
Special Olympics Poker Run - 2017
America Legion Post 311
44355 40th Street -East
Lancaster, CA 93535